Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Brain Stimulation and Video Games

Yesterday as i was watching my roommate, who will stay nameless to keep his pride in tact, was playing a kids video game and i had a realization that there was a lot of things to remember in the video game. For instance, what level had which puzzle pieces or how many times you had to attack an opponent to defeat him. I realized that video games can help people to stimulate their brain.
As i searched the internet for research on this subject i found this:

This website describes an experiment that confirms my initial thoughts.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Video Games as a Scapegoat

In the Issues in Media book it gives an example of a kid named Warren Leblanc who murdered his friend in England and Leblanc's parents said it was because of a violent video game he had been playing. I do not believe that video games alone can be blamed for violence portrayed by kids. I believe, from what i have experienced as having played violent video games as a kid, that parents are the biggest factor in the behavior that kids inherite. If parents encourage violence or dont tell their kids that violence is bad then I believe the child will be more likely to copy the violence they see in video games.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Do Video Games make kids more violent?

Here is what Adam B has to say about that


Interesting articles. I agree that lots of people find more fascination with the more "sinister" aspects of life. Why? Human nature i suppose. But why do some people act on those desire and others do not? Why do some people not have any desire at all? As it may be proven, some people are just born with those natural instincts and carnal desires. But can it be argued that buying your kids a game called Child's Play 3 where killing children and torturing human life is excepted and "fun"? This is where people cross the line. This is a huge reason why two ten year old boys in Britain would attack and kill a toddler. What else could initiate those horrible thoughts that lead to action. Those type of video games plant disturbing ideas into little boys or girls heads when they would be much better off playing a sports game or a race car game.

I myself am not opposed to the idea of playing video games. I do like to play video games myself. However i keep my desires under control. I don't play everyday, in fact i will play maybe an hour a week. In my eyes there is nothing wrong with that. And as people get older they can handle more violent games (i.e. Halo, or Call of Duty) If those games are played with mature adults, they can be fun and harmless.

When little kids get there hands on and play violent disturbing games is when there is a problem. Who knows what the kids are playing? The parents do! And as the parents filter more of the violent/gory games out of these kids life, I do believe there will be a substantial decrease of toddler violence in society.